My cell phone is temporarily Out Of Order thanks to

The culprit.
Any time a phone rings Ferdinand finds it. He starts kicking it around with his paw. Last time my phone was ringing he found it on the counter top and knocked it on the floor. When I made it to the kitchen I found my phone in pieces on the floor. Thankfully, I was able to put it back together. Well, that was not the case today. All day I was tracing my steps trying to remember where I left my phone last and who I was talking to . I remembered talking with my Mom and getting ready in my bedroom. I looked where I thought I left it, but it was not there, and that was on my dresser. After looking forever for it I thought it would turn up or when Joe gets home I will have him call it. So, I decided to lay down, unfortunately my phone was still on my mind. I started thinking what if Ferdinand found my phone. I really thought I left it on the dresser. My dresser had a few things on it that needed to be cleared off, so I started moving the stuff around still searching and found my phone submerged in the cats drinking well [pictured above with Ferdinand]. Who knows how long it had been soaking in there, but out of all the places, he knocks into the drinking well that sits on the floor next to my dresser. It was in the water long enough that when I found it it wouldn't work. I know it was him because he is the only one interested in the phone and he was in the room with my phone when I left. Go figure. My phone is drying out, but I think I will need to order another one. Unfortunately I just replaced that phone about 2 months ago. If you need to reach me, email me.
Thanks Ferdinand!