Saturday, May 30, 2009


16 Weeks
This past Wednesday we got confirmation that our little peanut is a Girl.   I made it a point to eat something sweet before my appointment that morning, so the baby would move around, and the doctor could see what "It" was.  Joe and I went to Cracker Barrel and ate breakfast.  I had french toast, eggs, sausage, and a large glass of orange juice.  I even got a coke to go so I could drink it on the way to the appointment. At our last appointment she moved a couple of times, but kept her legs closed, so we couldn't see what she was.  My appointment was at 10:15 a.m, but they did not get me in the ultrasound room until 11:15, so I am not sure if the sugar-high wore off.  She moved a couple of times, but not in the position the doctor could tell the sex.  So, the doctor gave me the option to do a vaginal ultrasound.  She said because of the position of the baby and where its bottom was, she could get closer to that area by doing that ultrasound.  I was willing to do whatever to find out.  Once she began that ultrasound the baby started moving and the doctor showed us what she was looking at.  She said she thought it was a girl by something she saw on the first ultrasound, but that is why she opted to do the second ultrasound to be certain.  She said the baby looks good and is on track.  She is about 4.5 inches long.  I love her so much already.  We are dreaming, and waiting, Praying, preparing and anticipating.  Each day a touch closer to holding her.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A peaceful day

Over the weekend we went to Huntsville, TX for a Memorial Day gathering with the family.  It was nice to get away for the day and away from the 
hustle and bustle of the city life.  It was a peaceful place to be.  The house belongs to my Aunt's boyfriend [Larry].  It is a log cabin set on 6 acres of land and all you could hear were people chatting, kids playing, and the birds chirping.  The cabin has a wrap-around porch with porch swings, chairs, and ceiling fans [to keep the flies away of course].  I could imagine waking up every morning and sipping coffee on the porch with my honey.  It is a dreamy place, and one day I hope to own a place like that.  Joe and I road a mule, not the animal, but like a golf cart.  We drove it around the property by the lake, and I drove.  We ate BBQ, and it was delicious, and nothing short of that.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A good time

Last Saturday we attended a birthday party for a friends son.  My friend Erika is creative, No really creative!  She threw her 2 yr. old son a bug birthday party.  I wish I had pictures of the caterpillar cake that she made.  She went above and beyond with the decorations, toys, and activities for the kids.  My sister-in-law joined me with my 3 nephews.  I thought the boys would be shy when we got there, but that was not the case.  As soon as we got there they jumped in Jase's [the birthday boy] toy hummer, and really did not want to share with the other kids for the rest of the day, but there were so many other things for them to do.  They had a water-gun fight in the kiddie pool [guns provided by Erika too].  They played on the slip-n-slide.  It took the boys a few seconds to realize you slide on it, but running down the slide worked for them too.   They ate watermelon, gummy worms, and hot dogs.  Once they realized the gummy worms were inside they kept telling me they wanted needed to go inside.  Most importantly we all had a good time!  Thank you Erika for inviting them too!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Baby on the brain

With baby on the brain, I've got my eye on certain things.  Check out Cat fish Greetings.  They have adorable yet quirky gifts.  I'm sure all my pregnant friends will appreciate all of these cute findings!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A baker's dozen

I couldn't take it anymore!  I wanted to purchase something for our baby, but without knowing what we are having, I had to find something gender neutral.  I fell in love with the array of colors and the packaging of these socks.  You can find these at thebump.  Others I like and will purchase, once we find out the sex, can be found at trumpett.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Weekend!

I hope everyone has a wonderful fun-filled weekend! I am welcoming this weekend with open arms. I plan to go wedding gown shopping with my sister-in-law, go to Erika's son's second birthday party with my nephews, and then relax.

Pregnancy cravings

Is it a myth or do people really have weird pregnancy cravings [like pickles & ice cream]?

There is no doubt people do have them. My Aunt told me of her craving for a bag of lemons covered with salt, and I thought that was weird. Some people have cravings for things other than food, such as dirt, clay, charcoal, and laundry detergent. This is a disorder called pica and is most likely related to an iron deficiency. Either way, DON'T EAT IT!

For me I haven't craved anything weird. I have just indulged in the standard things I do love like ice cream and anything sweet for that matter, and like to call it a craving, Ha! Then I don't feel so guilty eating it.

Here are a few things I am enjoying now:

Especially the ones from Flamingo Chill

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Under the sea

Two years ago today Joe and I were on the Big Island of Hawaii for our honeymoon.  I couldn't help myself but to think of what I would pack in my suitcase if I had a chance to getaway.  The hues and textures of these pieces have me dreaming of another tropical island getaway under the sea.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Getting through the first trimester

For the most part my first trimester was easy [I guess!].  I had the typical morning sickness, exhaustion, and food aversions, but overall I really can't complain.  Maybe the food aversions prevented me from gaining any weight in the first trimester.   I realized as long as I kept my belly full at all times with something I was in good shape, but the minute it got empty I started feeling nausea coming on.  I'm glad I wasn't hugging the toilet like many women do.   

So far the pregnancy has felt a bit unreal.  We've  been to the doctor three times and had an ultrasound each time.  We've seen the baby grow from looking like a dot to a gummy bear to a baby that kinda resembles an alien, but it is beautiful to me.  Everyday I have to remind myself I am pregnant.  Last night after our anniversary dinner as I lay still on the couch I felt a flutter and I thought, can this be.  Was that my little peanut popping?!  I think it was.  I am only 14 weeks, but have read of people feeling their baby moving that early.  At 14 weeks the baby is moving its limbs, wiggling its toes, and perhaps sucking its thumb, so it is possible.  It finally feels real.