This little girls smile makes me smile. Whenever I talk in a high-pitch voice we get a glimpse of Kira's smile. It melts my heart. Experts say most babies don't smile in a true social sense between 4 & 6 weeks of age. Before that, smiles are generated because a baby is content, comfortable, passing gas, or falling asleep. Either way her smiles are undeniably adorable no matter what their cause.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
What I'm Thankful For
1. God's Will
2. Good health
3. A healthy husband
4. A healthy baby [that is so prescious & sweet]
5. A roof over my head
6. Family that lives so close
7. A loving and caring Mother
8. A goodnight kiss and "I love You" from my husband every night
9. My husband tucking me in bed every night
10. A husband that does housework because he doesn't think it is completely a woman's job
11. A husband that is a Wonderful Father
12. Amazing friends
Monday, November 16, 2009
Birth Story
I've been a little preoccupied since November 4th. When I'm not loving on my precious baby I try to nap. It is hard to get on her schedule. When she sleeps I think of all the things I need to do. I am slowly getting the hang of this "mommy" role. Each day gets easier and easier and every day I fall more in love with my daughter.
For 10 months I prayed that Kira would be healthy and God has answered our prayers.

Before I forget the events of Kira's Birth Day I must get them in writing. On November 3rd we checked in to Memorial Hermann Hospital.
5:00 PM- Arrived at Hospital
7:45 PM- Got in Room
8:30 PM- Mother & Sister-In-Law Melissa came to visit
9:20 PM- My nurse gave me Cervadil to ripen my cervix. It did more than ripen my cervix. It caused intense pain. I asked the nurse for some medicine to help me sleep, thinking I could fall asleep and forget about the pain.
11:00 PM- My nurse gave me Ambien. She said it would make me drowsy and I would probably fall asleep within 15 minutes. Well, 1 hour later I was still hurting, restless, and in need of some pain medicine.
Midnight- My nurse gave me Demorol to relieve the pain and I instantly threw up [Total of 3 times]. Poor Joe had to keep cleaning up the floor.
I kept watching the clock praying 5:00 AM would come sooner because that was when the Cervadil would come out.
3:30 AM- My nurse came in and asked if I wanted an epidural. She said it would definitely help with the pain and allow me to get rest. At that point I knew I need relief. I needed the rest too. I thought if I am going to have a baby today, I need some sleep.
4:00 AM- Anesthesiologist came in to save the day! That epidural became my best friend instantly. I was out like a light within minutes.
5:00 AM- Rise and Shine! The nurse came in to take out Cervadil.
5:30 AM- Started Pitocin.
7:25 AM- Doctor came in and broke water.
8:30 AM- Dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced.
10:25 AM- Dilated to 5 cm.
12:30 PM- Dilated to 10 cm!!!!!!! Wow! This went fast!
2:00 PM- Started pushing.
3:12 PM- Kira arrived!
Kira slept next to my bed in this. This was my view.
Family and friends visited. Some friends brought us lunch from one of my favorite tea rooms. We were released 48 hours following the delivery. I swear the drive home felt like we were driving to Timbuktu, only because my baby was in the car with me. It felt like the longest drive ever. We made it home safe and sound and are enjoying every minute with Kira.
Monday, November 2, 2009
39 Weeks
Yesterday marked 39 weeks in my pregnancy. Woohoo! I have so many thoughts running through my brain right now. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. We will be checking into the hospital tomorrow evening. I will be given Cervidil which will ripen my cervix and prepare me for Wednesday delivery. The doctor told me she will also give me some medicine so I can sleep. I was happy to hear that. I was wondering how I was suppose to sleep in the hospital knowing my baby will be here the next day. I will be given Pitocin on Wednesday morning. The Pitocin will start the contractions. At first I was hesitant about being induced because I was afraid it would cause me to be in labor way too long as oppose to going into labor on my own. My doctor assured me it would go well especially since I was dilated to 1 1/2 cm as of last Wednesday. Now I know anything is possible so I am trying not to expect anything of certainty. I just hope and pray that Kira is healthy.
Now, if you want to pray for me that would be awesome.
I will post pictures as soon as I can.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Plum Delicious
With the change in our weather I was in the mood to bake something. I used my tart, sweet plums that are one of the highlights of the Autumn season. I made a delicious plum cake.
3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter room temperature plus more for pan
1 1/2 cups plus 2 tbsps all-purpose flour (spooned & leveled)
1/2 tsp of baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup packed light-brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
3 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 tsps finely grated lemon zest
1/4 cup of sour cream
3 plums, halved, pitted, & cut into eighths
confectioners' sugar for dusting
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter an 8-inch cake pan and line the bottom with a round of parchment paper. In a large bowl whisk together 1 1/2 cups of flour, baking soda, and salt.
2. Using an electric mixer, beat butter and sugars until light and fluffy. With mixer on low beat in eggs, one at a time until incorporated beat in vanilla and lemon zest. Beat in 1/2 the flour mixture, then sour cream. Add remaining flour mixture; mix until combined.
3. Spread batter into pan and smooth top with a knife. In a bowl, toss plums with tablespoons flour and sprinkle over batter.
4. Bake until cake is golden, about 30 minutes; loosely tent with foil and bake until cake pulls away from side of pan and a cake tester inserted in center comes out clean, about 35 minutes more. Let cake cool completely in pan. Run knife around cake edge and remove cake from pan. Dust with confectioners' sugar before serving.
Prep time: 25 minutes
Friday, October 2, 2009
Kira's room
I have been anxiously waiting to get Kira's room done since I bought her bedding, and I bought the bedding when I found out we were having a girl [16 weeks ago, GEEZ]. As you all know we had lots of other projects around the house that had to come first in order to set her room up. We got the furniture put together the night before the shower and a few other things set up in the room. We are so blessed with the generosity of our family and friends. We got tons of stuff at our shower. Her room was so full of bags, bows, and boxes. I have been going in her room constantly; anxiously waiting to set everything up, but I had to wait for the dresser and hutch to be replaced. The furniture was replaced yesterday. In the mean time I have been doing a lot of washing and I haven't even made a dent in washing all her stuff. Thank goodness she has a descent size closet because she is going to need it. She has lots of clothes and shoes.
P.S. Thanks to my wonderful sister- in- law Melissa, I got this room in order. She offered to come over last night and help. She put together the swing, pack-n-play, and helped me organize [oh, and taught me a few things]. I appreciate all she has done and so does Joe. He has been so busy working, and now he doesn't have to worry about putting anything together.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Showered With Love
I am a bit late posting this, my apologies. On Saturday September 19th we were showered with love, gifts from loved ones, good food, and my favorite.... Lindy's Italian Creme Cake with buttercream icing. That evening I went into the nursery to look at everything we got. I was overwhelmed and still am from the generosity of our family and friends.
I am currently washing tiny pink clothes, booties, hats, blankets, and bibs, and hanging them in her closet. I love washing her things jsut not my own clothes. I cannot wait to post pictures of the nursery, and I will this week. Here are a few pictures from our shower.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Home renovation update
This is what has been going on at my house this week. This week my house has smelt like paint, sealant, sawdust, and candles [trying to help with the smell]. As you can see we have another working toilet in the house. We also have cabinets in the the other bathroom, which do need to be painted and soon they will be. We also have more cabinets in the kitchen which covers the pantry, so atleast my kitchen does not looked cluttered. The cabinets in the kitchen still have to be stained. I am just happy to have them and grateful to have a husband that has worked so hard to get it all done.
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