I've been a little preoccupied since November 4th. When I'm not loving on my precious baby I try to nap. It is hard to get on her schedule. When she sleeps I think of all the things I need to do. I am slowly getting the hang of this "mommy" role. Each day gets easier and easier and every day I fall more in love with my daughter.
For 10 months I prayed that Kira would be healthy and God has answered our prayers.

Before I forget the events of Kira's Birth Day I must get them in writing. On November 3rd we checked in to Memorial Hermann Hospital.
5:00 PM- Arrived at Hospital
7:45 PM- Got in Room
8:30 PM- Mother & Sister-In-Law Melissa came to visit
9:20 PM- My nurse gave me Cervadil to ripen my cervix. It did more than ripen my cervix. It caused intense pain. I asked the nurse for some medicine to help me sleep, thinking I could fall asleep and forget about the pain.
11:00 PM- My nurse gave me Ambien. She said it would make me drowsy and I would probably fall asleep within 15 minutes. Well, 1 hour later I was still hurting, restless, and in need of some pain medicine.
Midnight- My nurse gave me Demorol to relieve the pain and I instantly threw up [Total of 3 times]. Poor Joe had to keep cleaning up the floor.
I kept watching the clock praying 5:00 AM would come sooner because that was when the Cervadil would come out.
3:30 AM- My nurse came in and asked if I wanted an epidural. She said it would definitely help with the pain and allow me to get rest. At that point I knew I need relief. I needed the rest too. I thought if I am going to have a baby today, I need some sleep.
4:00 AM- Anesthesiologist came in to save the day! That epidural became my best friend instantly. I was out like a light within minutes.
5:00 AM- Rise and Shine! The nurse came in to take out Cervadil.
5:30 AM- Started Pitocin.
7:25 AM- Doctor came in and broke water.
8:30 AM- Dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced.
10:25 AM- Dilated to 5 cm.
12:30 PM- Dilated to 10 cm!!!!!!! Wow! This went fast!
2:00 PM- Started pushing.
3:12 PM- Kira arrived!
Kira slept next to my bed in this. This was my view.
Family and friends visited. Some friends brought us lunch from one of my favorite tea rooms. We were released 48 hours following the delivery. I swear the drive home felt like we were driving to Timbuktu, only because my baby was in the car with me. It felt like the longest drive ever. We made it home safe and sound and are enjoying every minute with Kira.
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