This past Wednesday we got confirmation that our little peanut is a Girl. I made it a point to eat something sweet before my appointment that morning, so the baby would move around, and the doctor could see what "It" was. Joe and I went to Cracker Barrel and ate breakfast. I had french toast, eggs, sausage, and a large glass of orange juice. I even got a coke to go so I could drink it on the way to the appointment. At our last appointment she moved a couple of times, but kept her legs closed, so we couldn't see what she was. My appointment was at 10:15 a.m, but they did not get me in the ultrasound room until 11:15, so I am not sure if the sugar-high wore off. She moved a couple of times, but not in the position the doctor could tell the sex. So, the doctor gave me the option to do a vaginal ultrasound. She said because of the position of the baby and where its bottom was, she could get closer to that area by doing that ultrasound. I was willing to do whatever to find out. Once she began that ultrasound the baby started moving and the doctor showed us what she was looking at. She said she thought it was a girl by something she saw on the first ultrasound, but that is why she opted to do the second ultrasound to be certain. She said the baby looks good and is on track. She is about 4.5 inches long. I love her so much already. We are dreaming, and waiting, Praying, preparing and anticipating. Each day a touch closer to holding her.