For the most part my first trimester was easy [I guess!]. I had the typical morning sickness, exhaustion, and food aversions, but overall I really can't complain. Maybe the food aversions prevented me from gaining any weight in the first trimester. I realized as long as I kept my belly full at all times with something I was in good shape, but the minute it got empty I started feeling nausea coming on. I'm glad I wasn't hugging the toilet like many women do.
So far the pregnancy has felt a bit unreal. We've been to the doctor three times and had an ultrasound each time. We've seen the baby grow from looking like a dot to a gummy bear to a baby that kinda resembles an alien, but it is beautiful to me. Everyday I have to remind myself I am pregnant. Last night after our anniversary dinner as I lay still on the couch I felt a flutter and I thought, can this be. Was that my little peanut popping?! I think it was. I am only 14 weeks, but have read of people feeling their baby moving that early. At 14 weeks the baby is moving its limbs, wiggling its toes, and perhaps sucking its thumb, so it is possible. It finally feels real.
1 comment:
Yay, welcome to the blog world! I am looking forward to following your blog and this amazing new journey you and Joe are about to go on! (Not that I won't talk to you about it daily-haha!) I love you and can not wait to meet that sweet baby of yours!
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